Friday, 18 October 2013

Pelajar di India mempertanyakan RUU Sistem Perbukuan Nasional

Hyderabad - PPI India. Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) India menanggapi serius inisiatif anggota komisi X DPR RI dalam menyusun RUU perbukuan setelah kunjungan rombongan para wakil Rakyat tersebut ke New Delhi, India pada tanggal 14 s.d 17 Juli 2013 lalu Tanggapan tersebut dituangkan dengan mengadakan Seminar Internasional Sistem Perbukuan Indonesia dan India, dengan tema Book Matters in Indonesia and India; Its Challenges and Potentials, pada tanggal 16 November 2013 lalu yang bertempat di Hyderabad, India.
Seminar yang dibuka secara langsung oleh Duta Besar RI untuk India Bapak Rizali Inderakesuma ini mengundang pembicara terkenal dari Indonesia dan India. Adapun detail seminar tersebut bisa dilihat disini: ( Seminar tersebut juga mengundang Pembicara Utama yakni Wakil Ketua Komisi X DPR RI, karena hasil seminar akan bermuara kepada para penyusun kebijakan, dalam hal ini penyusun RUU. Karena satu dan lain hal, perwakilan DPR tidak hadir. Seminar tersebut dibagi menjadi 3 sesi dan sesi terakhir merupakan formulasi dari hasil seminar dan diskusi bedah RUU Sistem Perbukuan Indonesia. Output dari Seminar menghasilkan Deklarasi Hyderabad, detail deklarasi tersebut bisa dilihat disini ( Deklarasi berisi Kajian Ilmiah tentang usulan dan masukan kepada pemerintah RI khususnya tentang RUU perbukuan, sperti pemerataan hak membaca kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat, termasuk terjaminnya hak baca tunanetra, memberi jaminan buku murah seperti di india, meningkatkan kesejahteraan penulis, mengharuskan pemerintah untuk memegang kendali penuh pasar perbukuan sehingga tidak terjadi monopoli perbukuan, meningkatkan minat baca masyarakat Indonesia, dan lain sebagainya, yang selanjutnya diteruskan ke Komisi X DPR RI serta pihak-pihak terkait pembuat kebijakan tentang Perbukuan Nasional. Rangkaian acara dalam seminar tersebut disiarkan secara langsung oleh Radio PPI Dunia, dan dirilis oleh RRI Pro2 FM Jakarta, serta beberapa media local di Kota Hyderabad.
Hasil Seminar yang berupa Deklarasi Hyderabad tersebut juga didukung penuh oleh seluruh Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Se-Dunia melalui Simposium Internasional PPI Dunia yang merupakan forum tertinggi organisasi tersebut, yang dilaksanakan di Bangkok, Thailand pada tanggal 27 - 30 November kemarin. Pada simpusium PPI Dunia bangkok kemarin, PPI India melalui wakilnya sdr Wildan Muttaqin, menitipkan Deklarasi Hyderabad kepada Menpora Roy Suryo, yang berjanji akan meneruskan deklarasi ini kepada Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dikarenakan Mendikbud yang dijadwalkan hadir  dalam acara tersebut ternyata berhalangan.
Deklarasi Hyderabad juga sudah disampaikan melalui email kepada Bapak Utut Adianto selaku Wakil Ketua Komisi X DPR RI, namun sampai sekarang belum mendapatkan Jawaban. Oleh Karena itu, Pelajar di India mempertanyakan Perkembangan RUU tersebut dan mendesak agar RUU perbukuan ini segera diundangkan, dengan mempertimbagkan Deklarasi Hyderabad yang merupakan Kajian Ilmiah tentang usulan dan masukan kepada pemerintah RI khususnya tentang RUU perbukuan, sehingga rakyat dapat segera menikmati buku murah. Sebagai bentuk apresiasi atas Deklarasi Hyderabad-PPI India yang berkaitan dengan RUU Perbukuan di Indonesia, PPMI Pakistan menggelar seminar bertajuk “Perbukuan di Indonesia, Tantangan dan Peluang” yang diselenggarakan di Ibnu Khaldun Hall, IIU Islamabad Pakistan pada tanggal 21 Desember 2012, detail seminar tersebut bisa dilihat disini (
Seberapa serius para wakil rakyat kita memperjuangkan pendidikan Indonesia, terutama terkait perbukuan di Indonesia yang merupakan jendela ilmu tersebut. Mengingat RUU tersebut telah lama dirancang. Kita, Pelajar di India akan terus bertanya! Semoga menjadi kado terbaik buat bangsa ini dari para wakil rakyat di Senayan yang sedang menghabiskan beberapa bulan dari sisa jabatan mereka.

(Red. PPI India)

link terkait:

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Sistem Evaluasi Pendidikan di India

Evaluasi Menyeluruh dan Berkelanjutan (CCE) sebagai alternatif Penilaian Peserta didik
(Gambaran Sistem Evaluasi Pendidikan di India)
Oleh: Wildan M Muttaqin*

Untuk mendorong tercapainya target wajib belajar pendidikan yang bermutu, mulai tahun 2005 pemerintah menyelenggarakan Ujian Nasional (UN) untuk SMP/MTs/SMPLB dan SMA/SMK/MA/SMALB/SMKLB. Sedangkan untuk mendorong tercapainya target wajib belajar pendidikan yang bermutu, mulai tahun ajaran 2008/2009 pemerintah menyelenggarakan Ujian Akhir Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (UASBN) untuk SD/MI/SDLB. Sampai saat ini baik praktisi dan teorisi pendidikan maupun masyarakat umum masih menjadikan kebijakan Ujian Nasional menjadi bahan perdebatan tajam. Ada sebagian pihak yang mendukung dan sebagian lagi menentangnya dengan argumentasi masing-masing. Beberapa pihak, pada umumnya menganggap bahwa ujian nasional masih diperlukan, terutama untuk pengendalian mutu pendidikan secara nasional dan penegakan akuntabilitas pengelola dan penyelenggara pendidikan. Sementara, dari pihak yang menolak Ujian Nasional menganggap bahwa kehadiran Ujian Nasional sebagai penentu kelulusan telah banyak madharatnya dari pada manfaatnya, terutama dari sisi Pedagogis dan Psikologis siswa.
Pada tanggal 16 April 2013, memuat hasil survey yang dilakukan PGRI pada tahun 2012. Survey tersebut menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar guru, kepala sekolah, dan pengawas sekolah menganggap kebijakan ujian nasional (UN) tidak tepat. Menurut Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PB PGRI), Sulistiyo, bahwa munculnya pesepsi dari ketiga unsur praktisi pendidikan tersebut disebabkan karena Ujian Nasional tidak berhasil meningkatkan semangat belajar, menimbulkan kecurangan, menimbulkan ketegangan murid, dan menanamkan mental koruptif pada anak.
Sejak tahun 2011 pemerintah telah menetapkan penentuan kelulusan siswa menggunakan formulasi : 40% nilai sekolah dan 60% nilai ujian nasional. Namun, dalam banyak hal di lapangan ditemui praktik penggelembungan nilai siswa, yang tidak menggambarkan kemampuan sebenarnya. Hal tersebut dikarenakan formulasi yang ditetapkan pemerintah kurang memperhatikan kebutuhan siswa selama tiga tahun mengenyam pendidikan. Dalam hal ini beberapa point dalam evaluasi mesti diperhatikan, sehingga tidak merugikan siswa dalam ‘menabung’ jerih payah maupun usaha belajar mereka selama tiga tahun.
Ada baiknya kita tengok Sistem Pendidikan di india, terutama dalam melakukan evaluasi belajar pada siswa. Sistem ini dinamakan CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation), yang merupakan sistem penilaian berbasis sekolah yang mencakup semua aspek perkembangan siswa. CCE juga merupakan bentuk evaluasi dimana siswa dinilai secara keseluruhan dan persentase nilai pada akhir tahun berasal dari penilaian internal yang dilakukan terus menerus. Hal ini berbeda dari pola biasanya dan menggantikan model evaluasi sebelumnya dimana siswa hanya dinilai dari hasil ujian akhir saja. Siswa yang mengikuti sistem penilaian CCE akan diberikan nilai yang meliputi A +, A, B, C, D dan E.
Sistem penilaian CCE sangat membantu para siswa, orang tua, dan para guru. Tujuan utama dari CCE adalah untuk mengurangi stress dan kecemasan tinggi yang menjadikan pengaruh buruk pada siswa terutama tingkat SMP dan SMA. CCE secara otomatis menurunkan angka putus sekolah dan meningkatkan kinerja siswa. Penilaian dilakukan secara komprehensif dan berkelanjutan. Penilaian secara komprehensif meliputi scholastic dan co-scholastic. Penilaian scholastic mencakup mata pelajaran tertentu sesuai dengan minat/ jurusan yang diambil. Penilaian co-scholastic meliputi kecakapan hidup, sikap, norma, dan kegiatan pendukung lainnya. Penilaian komprehensif ini juga memasukkan berbagai instrumen dan teknik yang dilakukan dalam menilai siswa.
Dengan demikian, CCE berperan penting untuk pembelajaran daripada menguji kapasitas hafalan siswa. Siswa akan belajar secara konseptual dan memiliki kesempatan untuk pengembangan diri mereka. Sistem evaluasi ini juga menekankan pentingnya kebugaran fisik, keseimbangan emosional dan kewaspadaan mental siswa, sehingga siswa termotivasi dan diberikan waktu yang cukup untuk mengembangkan minat dan hobi mereka. Siswa juga dibekali dengan keterampilan yang berbeda, kemampuan berpikir kritis, pengembangan kreativitas dan keterampilan sosial yang adaptif dan kompetitif.
Dalam sistem penilaian CCE terdapat penilaian formatif dan penilaian sumatif. Dalam Penilaian formatif siswa diberikan masukan secara reguler dan dimotivasi secara aktif melibatkan diri dalam pembelajaran mandiri. Penilaian ini meliputi Class work, Homework, Oral questions, Quizzes, Project, dan Assignments/Tests. Penilaian sumatif di CCE adalah penilaian kinerja siswa di akhir pengajaran. Penilaian in meliputi Tes Tengah semester dan Tes Akhir semester oleh sekolah dan Ujian Nasional dari Pemerintah Pusat dimana materi disesuaikan dengan kurikulum nasional. Penilaian Hasil Ujian dilakukan di Sekolah masing masing, sesuai ketentuan yang diatur oleh pemerintah Pusat.
Penerapan CCE memberikan banyak keuntungan, antara lain meminimalisir kesalahan klasifikasi siswa berdasarkan nilai, mengurangi persaingan yang tidak fair antar siswa berprestasi di kelas, mengurangi tekanan sosial yang tinggi yang berdampak pada psikologis siswa, memberikan motivasi lebih kepada siswa untuk belajar mandiri, membuat siswa lebih fleksibel dengan banyak penilaian berdasarkan potensi siswa, dan menuju lingkungan belajar yang lebih baik. Dengan CCE, beban belajar siswa menjadi berkurang dan siswa diberikan gambaran yang lebih seimbang dalam hal penilaian akhir. Semoga menjadi bahan pertimbangan bagi para penentu kebijakan dan pemerhati pendidikan di Indonesia.

*Penulis adalah Wakil Ketua Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) India. Sedang menempuh S2 Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris ( MA TESL) di EFL University, India.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Press Release: HUT RI, PPI India Ngobrolin Nasionalisme

JAKARTA - Selain upacara bendera dan seru-seruan dalam berbagai lomba, ada banyak cara untuk memperingati HUT RI. Di India, mahasiswa Indonesia memilih cara yang lebih intelek dalam peringatan Hari Kemerdekaan ini. Mereka menggelar diskusi ilmiah seputar makna kemerdekaan dan perjuangan. 
Kegiatan tersebut dihelat oleh Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Hyderabad di India. Susanto, kandidat doktor Ilmu Linguistik dan Fonetik sekaligus ketua panitia diskusi ilmiah tersebut, bertutur, diskusi ini digelar dalam rangka merayakan HUT Kemerdekaan RI yang ke-68.
"Diskusi ini merupakan upaya kreativitas dan intelektualitas bagi para pelajar Indonesia khususnya di kota metropolitan Hyderabad, India, dalam refleksi dan memaknai pentingnya arti perjuangan dan kemerdekaan Indonesia sebagai bangsa mandiri, bermartabat dan berdaulat," kata Susanto, seperti dikutip dari keterangan tertulisnya kepada Okezone, Senin (19/8/2013).
Sementara itu, Ketua PPI Hyderabad, Noprival, menilai, kegiatan tersebut sangat penting dan bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa-mahasiswa Indonesia untuk tempat belajar dan mengaktualisasikan diri. Noprival kini sedang menempuh studi S-2 di EFL University.
Tema "Indonesia as imagined community" merupakan sorotan utama pembicara pertama, Dr. Deri Sis Nanda. Doktor ilmu sastra alumni EFL University, Hyderabad, itu menganggap Indonesia sebagai "imagined community", yaitu negara yang semua komponen dasarnya merupakan bentukan dan buah pikiran rakyat kita sendiri.
"Hal ini merupakan kebanggaan tersendiri bagi kita terhadap Tanah Air yang kemudian seharusnya dapat mempengaruhi mentalitas kita sebagai warga negara, dan pada akhirnya kita dituntut untuk lebih berkontribusi dalam pembangunan bangsa kita secara aktif dan mandiri," papar Deri.
Peneliti senior di Konsorsium Masyarakat Indonesia itu juga menyinggung makna nasionalisme, krisis kepemimpinan, perlakuan semena-mena yang diterima para TKI hingga pemanfaatan sumber daya alam Indonesia.
Sedangkan pembicara kedua, Amalul Umam, mengusung tema "Patriotism in Globalisation".
Mahasiswa program S2 di EFL University, membahas keberadaan patriotisme sejak zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW. Tanya jawab seputar patriotisme dan nasionalisme pun bergulir. Peserta diskusi di antaranya mempertanyakan kaitan rasisme dan imperialisme dengan nasionalisme dan patriotisme, peran nasionalisme dalam memandang perjuangan-perjuangan yang dilakukan di negara lain seperti Mesir dan Palestina. Dalam diskusi itu terungkap kesamaan pendapat bahwa nasionalisme secara otomatis mendukung perdamaian dunia dan stabilitas internasional.
Diskusi ilmiah yang digelar Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013 di Wildan Solo Guest House, Sitaphalmandi, India, itu dihadiri para mahasiswa Indonesia jenjang S-1 hingga S-3 di berbagai kampus di negeri Bollywood. Usai berdiskusi, para anggota PPI Hyderabad menggelar rapat untuk melengkapi kepengurusan dan program-program ke depan. Tentu saja, acara ini ditutup dengan serah terima sertifikat/penghargaan dan sesi foto bersama. (rfa)

Link terkait:

Monday, 12 August 2013

Lesson plan - Trinity College London

My own entry has been selected by Teacher Development panel (from Trinity College, London-UK) as one of the interactive English language example lesson plans (Selected entries from the Trinity Lesson Plan Competition at the British Council's 3rd International Teacher Educator Conference).

Lesson Plan no.21. Wildan Mahir Muttaqin, reading a narrative text

Download Lesson Plan, Here:

Students’ Attitude towards English: A case of International students’ in India


English is now considered as global language, and with every single day its users are increasing numerously. The paper aims to investigate the international students’ attitudes towards English language focusing on a case of International students’ in India. As the central university, The English and Foreign Lnguages (EFL) University India has many international students from a wide range of countries. The attitudes are in language skills and in other perspectives. Upon  the  completion  of  the  collection  of  data,  these  were analyzed,  computed  and  tabulated  using  MS Excel.The study incorporates quantitative approach and has used close ended questionnaire to collect data from the participants. A total number of twenty students participated in the study. From the findings of the data, The research shows that they had  shown  a  positive  attitude  towards  use  of  English  or  an increase  in  the  use  of  English. They believed that learning needs process. Motivation and self-confidence are also main factors to master English comprehensively. They also believe that EFL University is the best place in India to study English intensively

Keywords: attitudes, international students, english

English becomes one of the most needed languages in this globalization  era  to  support  our  life  in  order  not  to  be  left  behind  from  other countries. It has important role since most of the information resources are in English. It has been learned and considered as the first foreign language used  in  every  aspect  of  modern  life  such  as  education,  politics,  economics,  and science. There are about 430 million non-native English speakers, whereas native speakers are 330 million, excluding those who are learning English language (Crystal, 2003). Bottery (2000) claims that globalization is mostly associated with English Language supremacy. As English is becoming more and more global language, it’s becoming more and more associated with academic achievements for the students in any field. Blumental (1994: 11) states that language is the principal means we have to get our ideas and feeling across the other. In spoken language we do not rely on words alone and watch  people as they talk, note  the  gestures,  the  changing expression,  and  the  tone  of  the  voice. In addition, most of the world’s language learners study English in order to be able to communicate fluently.
English is one of the knowledge that is important to learn for people all over the world. One of the most important parts is that English functions as the instrument of communication. This suggests that learning English is not only learning the vocabulary and structure but also learning how to apply and use this language for communication. As an international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships with various aspects of the life human beings. Learning English covers four skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing. All of the skills are learned in order to achieve integrated skill. When someone was born, he learns how to speak, and speaking can make him to communicate or contact with other person (Yorkey, 1990). Speaking is important to learn especially for students of Junior High School to enrich their vocabulary. Besides that, by mastering speaking they get experience and knowledge from many kinds of media communication that related to English. For instance, they can get knowledge from the movie, internet, newspaper, and magazines. The factors that influences someone’s ability in speaking are knowledge of language systems include grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and the knowledge of topic discussion. Bi-/multilingualism allows  people  to  grow up  with  access to  two  or  more  languages  and this allows  people  to  show  different  attitudes  towards  languages. 

Language Attitude
               Attitude is a central part of human identity. Everyday people love, hate, like, dislike, favour, oppose, agree, disagree, argue, persuade etc. All these are evaluative responses to an object. Hence attitudes can be defined as a summary evaluation of an object of thought (Bohner & Wänke, 2002). They are inclinations and predispositions that guide an individual’s behaviour (Rubinstein, 1986) and persuade to an action that can be evaluated as either positive or negative (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975). Attitudes develop and change with time (Rubinstein, 1986). There are various definitions of the word attitude given by previous researchers. Attitude studies are important to acquire personal feedbacks on a phenomenon. According to Anderson (1994), there are five components in attitude which are emotion, goal, direction, strength and consistency. Each attitude component is divided into positive, neutral and negative. From psychological point of view, attitude is viewed as a mental condition that exists in a person, shaped through experience and will influence a person’s reaction towards an object or related phenomenon. Attitude is processed through learning and implicit in nature (Tay Meng Guan, 2003)
Regarding with attitude study, Gardner Proposed that attitude is the overall feelings of a person towards any particular thing (Gardner, 1980). Attitude of a person is positive or of negative attributes to anything (Ajzan, 1988). Baker defined attitudes as a person persistent way of behaving in particular way (Baker, 1992). Gardner proposed that attitude is an important element in language learning (Gardner, 1985). Meanwhile, Wenden (1991) gives a new dimension to attitude concept by dividing into three elements, namely: cognitive, evaluative and behavioral which all works together. The concept has the same model of Attitude proposed by Eagly & Chaiken (1993), attitudes are influenced by three components. They are cognitive (beliefs, thoughts, attributes), affective (feelings, emotions) and behavioural information (past events, experiences) (G. Maio, G. R. Maio, & Haddock, 2010). Bernat and Gvozdenko while discussing social factors upon language learning, place attitude with them for having its effect on language learning (Bernat, E. and Gvozdenko, I, 2005). Csizer and Donyei draw same conclusion in their research and place attitude at an important position for language learning (Csizer, K and Dornyei, Z, 2005).
Attitude defines or promotes certain behaviors and explains their direction and persistence. It is a convenient and efficient way of explaining consistent patterns in  behaviour.  It  often  manages  to  summarize,  explain  and  predict  behaviour  (Baker,  1992). Attitudes,  according  to  Crystal  (1997:  215),  are  the  feelings  people  have  about  their  own language  or  the  languages  of  others.  Allport (1935) defines,“attitude is a mental or neural state  of  readiness,  organized  through  experience,  exerting  a  directive  or  dynamic  influence upon  the individual’s response to all  objects and  situations  with which  it is related” (cited in Baker,  1992:11).  Thus, attitude to  language  is  a  construct  that  explains linguistic behaviour in particular. The  evaluation that  a particular  language  is  harsh,  sweet,  difficult, easy, international,  local, prestigious  or vernacular is  due to the variation of attitudes towards  the  language. Therefore, attitude change is an important notion since attitudes are affected  by  experience. There may be both positive and negative feelings  attached  to  a  language.  The major dimensions along which views about languages can vary are ‘social statuses’ and ‘group solidarity’ (Hohenthal, 2003). Baker  (1992:  11)  quotes Ajzen (1988) who  says, attitude is ‘a  disposition  to  respond favourably  or  unfavourably  to  an  object,  person,  institution,  or  event’.  It  means  that  if  a speech  community  shows  their  unfavourablity  to  a  particular  language,  that  language  is unlikely to survive and vice-versa. Another researcher proposes attitude is one of the key elements for learning language (Karahan, 2007), (Starks, D., & Paltridge, B., 1996). It is a variable thing and it can be changed governing to many external as well internal personality factors of a person. After the British left India, even than people of the sub-continent and particularly in Pakistan do not want to study English as they considered English language learning as a mark of slavery. But this attitude about English language learning is now changed as English has acquired a status of global language (Bamgbose, 2001).
Language attitudes vary in nature. People show  attitudes of  varying nature such as attitude to the  variation  of  language;  attitude  to  minority  language  and  dominant  language;  attitude  to foreign  and  second  language;  attitude  to  a  specific  language  etc.  Whatever  the  nature  of attitude,  it  has  two  components:  instrumental  and  integrative  (Baker,  1992).  Instrumental attitude  refers  to  showing  attitude  to  a  particular  language  for  self-achievement  and recognition.  As  Hohenthal  (2003)  reports  that  attitude  to  English  in  India  is  instrumental: English is perceived as a useful language to know mostly because of job opportunities and for education. People  favour  a  particular  language when  they  find that  the  language is a  tool  to achieve  high  status,  economic  advantage,  basic  security  and  survival  and  matters  related  to self-orientation. Integrative attitude, on the other hand, concerns someone’s attachment with a particular speech community. People show such attitude in order to be identified as a member of the desired community. Instrumental  and  integrative orientation  to language  attitudes  are not  necessarily  opposite  and  alternatives,  rather complementary  to each  other. A  person  may be  motivated  in  different  strengths  by  both  orientations  (Baker,  1992).
The problem can be formulated as what  is  the attitude  of  the  International students  of  English and Foreign languages (EFL) University, India  towards English ?  Also this study finds  it  relevant  to  investigate  attitudes  of  the  International students of  English and Foreign languages (EFL) University towards English that consists of Listening and Speaking; and  Reading and Writing. The objectives of the study is  to know  the attitude  of  the  International students  of  English and Foreign languages (EFL) University  towards English language and to  describe  attitudes  of  the  International students  of  English and Foreign languages (EFL) University towards English that consists of Listening and Speaking; and  Reading and Writing. Attitude  has  been  studied  from  various  perspectives  with  reference  to  a number of  languages in a variety of  settings  such as attitude towards  mother tongue; attitude towards  a  second  or  foreign  language;  attitude  towards  national  language;  attitude  towards varieties  of  languages;  attitude  towards  language  in  education  policy;  relationship  between attitudes  and  motivation;  the  relationship  between  attitudes  and  learning  strategies;  the relationship  between  attitudes  and  level  of  achievement.

EFL University Profile
               The English and Foreign Languages University is located in Hyderabad, an Indian city that is more than four hundred years old. Founded in 1958 as the Central Institute of English (CIE), it was renamed the Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages (CIEFL) in 1972 with the addition of three major foreign languages. In 2006 it was given central university status and accordingly came to be called the English and Foreign Languages University. Dedicated to the study of English and foreign languages, it is the only one of its kind in South Asia. It has been specially set up to conduct advanced research and training in English and foreign languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Turkish) in the areas of Teacher Education, Literature, Linguistics, Interdisciplinary and Cultural Studies.
The English and Foreign Languages University was founded with the singular vision of developing competency building teacher education and training in the country.The mandate of the University is to advance and disseminate “instructional, research and extension facilities in the teaching of English and Foreign Languages and Literatures in India” as well as “to take appropriate measures for interdisciplinary studies and research in literary and cultural studies, and to develop critical intercultural understanding of civilizations”. With its unique mandate to build teacher competency in language and literary pedagogy, the university has steadily enhanced its expertise in areas of language education, pedagogical and evaluative methods, material production, the sciences of linguistics and phonetics, in English and Foreign Languages. Three generations of teachers from primary to tertiary levels from across the country and abroad were trained at CIEFL/EFLU. The University has two regional centres — one each at Lucknowand Shillong, to cater for the needs of the students of the Northern and North-eastern regions respectively. The regional centres run their own programmes andcourses of study. They have their own libraries and hostel facilities.

Participants’ profile
The researcher observed twenty international students at EFL University. They were mostly at the first year or fresher. International students are the students from various countries outside India. At the EFL University they can meet their highest expectations and the university provides them with all the support services necessary to ensure that they have a rewarding experience, both academically and socially. They come from a wide range of countries such as Indonesia, Oman, Turkmenistan, Syiria, China, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Eritrea, Bhutan, Turkey, Iraq, Nepal, Bangladesh and other countries. The respondents are eleven male students and nine female students.

This is a quantitative study which explores International Students’ Attitudes towards English at EFL University. Quantitative approach is one in which the investigator primarily uses post positivist claims for developing knowledge (i.e, cause and effect thinking, reduction to specific variables and hypotheses and questions, use of instrument and observation, the test theories), employs strategies of inquiry such as experiments and surveys and collects data on predetermined instruments that yield satistical data (Creswell 2003). Survey entails the collection of data by using questionnaire to discover the opinions of a population, based on a sample of the population (creswell, 2009). Moreover there are many techniques used to collect data which include interviews, telephone calls, and observation (tharenou, Donohue & cooper, 2007).
A popular method of collecting data for surveys is using likert scales, these are used for measuring attitudes which require respondents to choose a statement from a number of statements that range from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’ (zikmund, 2003; saunders, lewis & Thornhill 2007). The respondent usually choses a response from a set of five statements where each response is assigned a weight which allows the researcher to perform statistical analysis (zikmund, 2003). The choice that the respondent makes means means that they agree with the statements they have chosen which allows them to express their feelings (zikmund, 2003).
The researcher used a likert scale that adopted a 5 point scale for his study, instead of a 7 point likert scale because 5 point scales reduce the level of frustation among respondents, and increases the rate and quality of the responses (Buttle, 1996; prayag, 2007).  A likert scale was used in this study which asked international students to best describe the way they feel about English as: 1 strongly agree, 2 agree, 3 neutral; 4 strongly disagree, 5 disagree. Likert scales require the respondent to state the extent to which they agree or disagree with a series of statements about the attitude object. Each response is given a score and the item scores are summed to produce an overall score that indicates the respondent’s attitude.
The data were collected by the researcher himself from all the participants, monitoring and guiding the participants for correct filling of the questionnaire. Participants were selected from different countries and different study program, so as to represent the data equally. The study does not utilize gender base discrimination as well and both male/female genders have equal value in the study. After collecting the data, ms excel is being utilized to interpret the data, after interpretation of data, its frequencies were also measured. Table presentation of the results of the findings is incorporated.

Findings and Discussion
The following sections discuss the findings.  It  includes  a  description  of  the demographic  profile  of  the  respondents  followed  by  a  discussion  on  the  International Students’ Attitudes towards English at EFL University. The result is divided into three parts. They are Student’s attitudes towards Listening and Speaking, Student’s attitudes towards Reading and Writing, and Student’s attitudes from various perspectives. Respondents’  attitudes  towards  English  language  were  obtained  through  the  use  of  a  five-point  Likert  scale  questionnaire  with  5=  strongly  agree  (SA),  4 =  agree  (A),  3 =  neutral  (N),  2 =disagree  (DA),  and  1 =  strongly  disagree  (SDA). The researcher gave 20 statements which consist of attitudes towards L&S, R&W, and other perspectives.

Student’s attitudes towards Listening and Speaking
Listening and speaking are very important in communication. Based on the nature of language, we can see that children acquire language from the stage of listening then speaking. In this result, Student’s attitudes towards Listening and Speaking will be the first discussion. The respondents were asked to provide their opinion on six statements regarding their attitudes towards Listening and Speaking.  Among  the  statements,  the  first  four  statements  elicited  respondents’  perception  and impression about English L&S which  is  shown  in  table 1  below.  60% respondents strongly agreed and 40%of them agreed that Speaking English is an advantage. 50% respondents  strongly  disagreed  and  45% of  them  disagreed  and 5% is neutral in giving statement that I dislike people who speak to me in English. In the question When someone speaks English I think he/she is educated ( both agreed and neutral were same 35%, 25% disagreed, and 5% strongly agreed). Dealing with campus life, 50% respondents strongly agreed and 45% of them agreed and 5% is disagreed in giving statement that making friends with international students at EFLU will increase students’ speaking skill in English. A majority of  the  respondents  (15%  strongly agreed  and  75%  agreed) and only 5% neutral, and 5% disagreed opined  that  there  should be  more  TV  and  radio  programs  in English. Then, 50% agreed, 10% strongly agreed, and 40% neutral) stated that When someone speaks English it creates a good impression for him/her. Thus, it  can  apparently  be  said  that  the  respondents  have  positive  attitude towards Listening and Speaking.


Speaking English is an advantage
I dislike people who speak to me in English
When  someone  speaks  English  I think he/she is educated
Making friends with international students at EFLU will increase students’ speaking skill in English
There should be more TV and radio programs in English
When  someone  speaks  English  it creates a good impression for him/her

Student’s attitudes towards Reading and Writing
Other aspects in mastering language are Reading and Writing. The respondents were asked to provide their opinion on six statements regarding their attitudes towards Reading and writing.  Among  the  statements,  the  first  four  statements  elicited  respondents’  perception and impression about English R&W which  is  shown  in  table 2  below.  In media  domain,  the  respondents  opined  (35% neutral, 30% agreed, 15% strongly agreed, and 20% disagreed) that all official documents should be in English. In developing students’ competence, the respondents opined (55% agreed, 35% strongly agreed, and 10% neutral) that Making an English Diary can Improve Students’ writing skill in English. Then the researcher gave the statements If  an  academic  text  is  available  in English,  I  will  enjoy reading  the text, the result was 60% agreed, 10% strongly agreed, 25% neutral, and 5% disagreed. Then, given the statement Only  English  must  be  used  in advertisements,  public  signs,  map etc, the result was 15% agreed, 35% neutral, and 40% disagreed, and 10% strongly disagreed. As the emphasizing, 15%  of  the  respondents  strongly  agreed, 55%  of  them  agreed, 25% neutral, 5% disagreed with  the statement  that  English  should  be  used  in  advertisements,  public  signs,  map  etc. They  also  gave  their  responses  with  almost similar  percentage  of  frequency  (25%  of  the  respondents  strongly  agreed, 55%  of  them  agreed, 15% neutral, 5% disagreed) that they liked to read more newspapers and magazines in  English (e.g. The times of India, Deccan chronicle, The Hindu, The Hans India, etc). This  pattern  of  choice  indicates that  though  the  respondents  had  shown  a  positive  attitude  towards  use  of  English  or  an increase  in  the  use  of  English  in  media and also developing the students’ ability both reading and writing.

All  official  documents  should  be  in English
Making an English Diary can Improve Students’ writing skill in English
If  an  academic  text  is  available  in English,  I  will  enjoy reading  the text
Only  English  must  be  used  in advertisements,  public  signs,  map etc
English  should  be  used  in advertisements,  public  signs, road signs, map etc
I  would  like  to  read  more Indian newspapers  and  magazines  in English  (e.g. The times of India, Deccan chronicle, The Hindu, The Hans India, etc)

Student’s attitudes from various perspectives

Another result to discuss is Student’s attitudes from various perspectives. In this section, the statements were about the students’ motivation and dealing with their future. The respondents were asked to provide their opinion on eight statements regarding their attitudes from various perspectives. Among  the  statements,  the  first  four  statements  elicited  respondents’  perception  and impression about English and their responses about liking and disliking of English language which  is  shown  in  table 3  below.  70% respondents strongly agreed  and  30%  of  them agreed  that  they  like  speaking  English. Then, respondents’ opinion on global status and importance of English language which is  shown  in  table  3.  Most of  the  respondents  (40%  strongly  agreed, 55% agreed, and 5% disagreed) opined that English is an important lingua franca in globalization. They also reported with commendable percentage (20% strongly agreed, 70% agreed, and 10% neutral) that it is needed to increase the use of English in this era of globalization. It is apparent from the data of  the  table  that  the  respondents  recognize  the  global  status  and  importance  of  English language  in  this  era  of  globalization  and  global  communication  network.  This is indeed an expression of positive attitudes of the respondents towards English language. The respondents also believe in process that Language is Habit (35% strongly agreed, 60% agreed, and 5% neutral). They also opined (45% strongly agreed, 50% agreed, and 5% disagreed) that knowledge of English offers advantages in seeking good  jobs.  It  can be seen  from  the  responses  of  the  respondents, they  realized  that knowledge of English offers advantages in this era of globalization when getting a good job, securing a better social position and personal establishment is very competitive. the  majority  of  the  respondents  (30%  strongly  agreed, 65%  agreed, 5%disagreed)  reported  that they  need  English  in  order  to  succeed  in  higher  education. What is apparent from table 3 is that the respondents have a positive attitude towards English language as they are inclined to the increase use of English language in education domain. Besides, they stated that Motivation and self-confidence are main factors to master English comprehensively (35%  strongly  agreed and 65%  agreed), so both of them are very important for International students. Then the last is about studying more English both at EFL University and in India, 30% respondents strongly agreed, 60% of them agreed, 5% neutral, and 5% disagreed. So, it also indicates that EFL University is the best place in India to study English intensively.

I like speaking English
English  is  an  important  lingua franca in globalization
Language is habit, so Learning English needs process
We  need  to  increase  the  use  of English in this era of globalization
Knowledge  of  English  offers advantages in seeking good jobs and reaching better positions at company
I  need  English  in  order  to  succeed in higher education
Motivation and self-confidence are main factors to master English comprehensively
I would like to study more English  both at EFLU and in India

They are three parts of International Students’ Attitudes towards English at EFL University. The first is Student’s attitudes towards Listening and Speaking. The second is Student’s attitudes towards Reading and Writing. The last is Student’s attitudes from various perspectives. Then, the  respondents  had  shown  a  positive  attitude  towards  use  of  English  or  an increase  in  the  use  of  English  in  media and also developing the students’ ability both reading and writing. From the data of  the  table  that  the  respondents  recognize  the  global  status  and  importance  of  English language  in  this  era  of  globalization  and  global  communication  network. Then, the respondents have a positive attitude towards English language as they are inclined to the increase use of English language in education domain. They stated that Motivation and self-confidence are main factors to master English comprehensively. They also believe that EFL University is the best place in India to study English intensively


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